Saturday, March 08, 2008

Shabbat in Jerusalem

Had a great time celebrating Shabbat in Jerusalem! Friday night dinner was especially fun and unique at my friend Jose Portundo's house, as we were commemorating the 50th anniversary of one of his cousins' being Prime Minster of Cuba from March 6 through March 12 of 1958. We had a shmorgesborg of festive Cuban food including Chalupa like Cuban cheese turnovers called Epanadas, spicy watermelon (with chili and mint), Puerto Rican Eggnog with Rum (coquito), Flan, Black beans, and another tasty dish which I can't remember the Spanish name of.

It was also great getting to see my Cousin Betsalel who's in high school in Beer Sheva. We had Saturday lunch at the Seigel's (more amazingly wonderful food) and ironically Paul Seigel was visiting Denver and had lunch with Cheryl. The chicken soup was extra tasty as I'm trying to fight off this cough that's going around.

Nechama Kramish, Jackie Seigel, Jose, Betsalel, with some more friends and I ended the day singing songs in the park.

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