Tuesday, December 20, 2005

The Nation's Capital

Spending a few days in our Nations Capitol was a great way to begin my winter break from Colorado State University. It was good to catch up with Elise Mellinger, and take a tour of the Diplomatic Reception Hall on the top floor of The State Department Building.

Elise now works the SE desk with a fellow colleague from FSI and other SD representatives covering TS information about FSO. I attended a holiday party hosted by OSE and SA while TBE was focused on SI. Ok, so I made up a few of those abbreviations, but half the job at the State Department seems to be getting all the acronyms in order! In civilian terms, Elise is currently working in the Office of Southern Europe.

It was really nice to be riding the metro around Georgetown and DC, as I was attempting to wait out the transportation strike that was announced in New York City. By Thursday, I took a bus from DC Chinatown to the NYC Chinatown for $20, and was ready to get some exercise in bustling bus-less Manhattan.

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