Saturday, March 19, 2005

The Essance of Leadership

Over the past month, I have had the opportunity to visit almost a dozen universities in Mumbai. Each one carries a slightly unique creed and approach to groom their students. Some are hands on. Others are by the book. Through my interactions with successful business people and students alike, this blog paraphases one aspect of the values in management leadership:

Management is a fluid artform. An artform whose true integrity is tested at its highest point of vulnerability; sustaining motivation at times of diversity.

Every artform has values. Values which create the structure for a strong foundation.

A leader must find people who are strong enough to build such a foundation. And when the right foundation cannot be built, a leader must foster tolerance for risk and behavior that deviates from their own objectives without loosing focus on the original intended value system.

Progress is about change. Leadership is about creating a worthy dream, then helping others achieve that dream.

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